Teachers… Ready to ditch the daily dread and build a coaching business you’re excited to get out of bed for?

I know you.

You want to feel free doing something you love for the money you deserve

  • You’re a teacher turned coach, trying to start your coaching business but with no idea what steps to take to actually bring in clients.

  • You've never had to market or 'sell' yourself before, and the whole thing just feels mega scary and uncomfortable (hello imposter syndrome!)

  • You want to live your life doing something that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning.

  • You're ambitious and sick of playing small.

  • You want to live life on YOUR terms.

2 years ago I left teaching with big dreams of becoming a coach, but quickly realised that getting clients was a lot harder than I had thought…

Since then, I've worked my butt off to build solid foundations in my coaching business, got super comfortable being visible and talking about what I do, learnt a crazy amount about marketing and sales strategy, and finally begun to bring in consistent dreamy clients.

Now I’m here to take you through everything I know that works so that your dreams of building a brilliant coaching business can become your reality.

Hi, It’s me Amber

ICF Accredited Business & Confidence Coach for teachers who want to build brilliant coaching businesses.

My mission is to help teachers wanting to start their coaching business from scratch, realise how bloody incredible they are and empower them to build the solid foundations necessary to bring in consistent dreamy clients.

If you are READY to leave the classroom for good and embark on this crazy journey of coachpreneurship, but you just don’t know where to start or what to do to get your business off the ground, you’re in the right place.

I truly believe you have everything within you to make this really work, and a sprinkling of mindset, motivation and strategy from me will make it happen sooner rather than later.

What happy clients say

Blown away by the outcomes I’ve had

I’ve been blown away by the outcomes I’ve had working with Amber both in my business and personally. She has an uncanny knack for really getting you. She's warm, she's kind, she’s funny, but most of all she is a superb listener and a fantastic coach.

Feel like a completely different person

When I first started with Amber, I really didn’t know who I was anymore. I had a huge lack of self confidence. I now have a career that I’m so excited to start and I just feel like a completely different person.

I’ve got my mojo back!

Amber gave me the confidence to hand in my notice and change career direction into something that makes me want to get out of bed in the morning. It’s very exciting and I wouldn’t have been able to make these moves without Amber’s help!

More about me…

🌻 I was a teacher for 12 years

🌻 I’m a Mummy to a mega cute/crazy toddler

🌻 My favourite colour is yellow (can you tell?)

🌻 I LOVE singing and play bits of ukelele and piano. When I’m feeling brave, I sometimes perform at open mic nights

🌻 I live in Brighton

🌻I LOVE travelling. I spent most of my 20s travelling and teaching abroad

🌻 I spent 3 years teaching in Vietnam and met my partner on my first day there... we were on the same plane!!

🌻 I had major surgery for scoliosis when I was 16... and now have metal rods in my back! (yes... i do always go beep at the airport!)

🌻 I LOVE musicals!!; some of my faves are Oliver, Les Miserables and Hamilton

🌻 I’ve got a Psyc degree and am a total psychology/neuroscience nerd